Debunking Beauty Myths

Like any area of health, there are myths when it comes to skincare and makeup. From brands that entice us using clever marketing claims to salespeople who play on our insecurities to sell unnecessary treatments, products that don’t deliver on their promises are everywhere.
As a veteran in the beauty space, I have heard every sort of skincare/makeup myth. Here, I have a few of the most common questions asked so to debunk them for you once and for all.
Sustainability seems to be a loaded term. What are some myths you hear?
“That if it comes from a plant it must be sustainable! The thing is, you can grow and harvest crops in a very unsustainable way—like palm oil and its many derivatives. Of course plant ingredients can be the best, most safe, and sustainable ingredients, but that’s not true for all. Instead, brands and consumers should be concerned with where it came from, its growing practices, and what it takes to actually bring those products to shelves. The supplier chain is very important”.
Is there anything that brands do that they think is sustainable but really isn’t?
“Sometimes brands walk a fine line. They may be sustainable but not natural, or vegan, but have chemicals, or be natural, but use plastics in the packaging. One thing to keep in mind is that just because the manufacturer implies it’s a more sustainable choice doesn’t mean it actually is. The supplier chain is very important. Is it ethical where they are sourcing the raw ingredients”.
Do plant based products actually work?
“The ingredients in plant-based skin care support the skin microbiome, promote balanced moisture, and improve skin health. Fats and acids from plants assist in calming acne, fighting skin’s dryness, combating oiliness, smoothening scars, and increasing skin’s elasticity.
However the can do bad things if too much is used, or if they’re used incorrectly, or the exposure is too high (for example, poison ivy is natural but you would not put on your face). The dosages are very important, as well as the combination of plant extracts to be effective”.
Sleep deprivation causes dark under eye circles?
“You can thank your parents for the shadows under your eyes. “Dark under eye circles are the result of a concentration of veins beneath the very thin skin in that area, They’re determined by genetics and won’t change with more or less sleep. Frequent late nights, and stress may cause fluid retention under your eyes, along with puffiness that also can draw attention to existing darkness there”.
Those with oily skin should avoid oil?
“One of the most common mistakes made with oily skin is that they try too hard to remove the oil. Stripping away too much oil can actually have very negative outcomes. Oily skin is an indication that you have an overproduction of oil or sebum. By stripping all your natural oils away with harsh cleansers or toners, you can actually trick the brain to cause the cells to produce more oil, making the problem worse. The skin needs to be controlled and balanced – neither too little nor too much”.
Retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids thin your skin?
“No, they don’t. In fact, the opposite is true. Retinoids and acids work to promote cell turnover, which makes the skin thicker and more resilient over time. A downside is that using these products can make you more sensitive to the sun, and that’s why it’s crucial to wear SPF when applying these ingredients”.
Shaving will make hair grow back thicker?
“There’s no need to shy away from the blade. Shaving will not make your hair grow back thicker, faster, or darker. The growth of hair is controlled by the follicle, and shaving doesn’t affect the follicle or growth pattern whatsoever. Your hair just might appear more stubbly because the blade cuts the hair at the thickest part (the ends are blunt from the razor rather than naturally tapered”)
Any other nuances you’d like to see cleared up?
“There’s still the belief that cleaner, greener ingredients and packaging must cost a lot more, or that they can’t compete on performance. That’s true in some cases, but it’s not necessarily true for all materials. I was at the forefront in bringing clean, green beauty to the drug and grocery market and we really had to educate in the early years that we could compete with performance and price point.”
Lastly, when a Company states for example they are Canadian. In my case, when sourcing raw ingredients, raw materials, I have to look outside of Canada to ensure I am ethical right down the supplier chain. Most Brands are sourcing whatever is cheaper, or not fully aware of where the lab is sourcing from. Meaning that I’m a Canadian Brand, however I will source ingredients from outside sources to deliver on my mission”.
“Better Beauty for you, your Health and the Planet”.
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